Baldy's Practice Set
Baldy's Barber Shop Practice Set

Baldy’s Barber Shop accounting and bookkeeping practice set course was made to provide individuals and students with an overview of how the manual concepts taught in an introductory accounting course can be applied to a manual and computerized accounting system. In addition, the practice set illustrates the benefits of using a computerized accounting and bookkeeping system.
The bookkeeping practice set uses a one month accounting cycle for a fictional business (Baldy's Barber Shop) and is a great way for individuals and students to learn and test the bookkeeping skills needed to properly perform the necessary bookkeeping and accounting tasks. This accounting practice set includes 56 transactions for the month of December that the student records in each of the exercises. Each of the bookkeeping exercises requires between 4 and 6 hours to complete.
Watch the video to quickly determine if you might be interested in Baldy's Practice Set.

An Accounting and Bookkeeping Practice Set in three versions - Manual, Spreadsheets, and Manager Accounting Software
Baldy's Barber Shop is a three-way accounting and bookkeeping practice set that includes both a manual version for completion in writing, a Microsoft® Excel or Libre Office Spreadsheet version, and a Manager Accounting Software computerized accounting software version.
Individuals or students undertaking the manual version first will achieve an understanding of the accounting process (accounting cycle), the Spreadsheet Version illustrates the benefits of using computer applications as an aid in bookkeeping, and the Manager Accounting Software version introduces students to a general business accounting package and the benefits gained from their use.
About The Course
Detailed Information about this bookkeeping course is provided in the Getting Started Practice Set Guide and Exercise Instructions.
Getting Started Guide
Exercise Instructions
Manual Accounting Exercise
Spread Sheet Exercise
Computer Accounting Exercise
Manager Online Instructions
Watch Baldy and Dave use Baldy's Bookkeeping Practice Set to hire a qualified bookkeeper.
Course Delivery
This complete accounting practice set course is designed as an offline course and purchased and downloaded as a compressed file (zip file) – If you only want the manual version of this practice set it is also downloaded as a compressed file (zip file) named
All forms, worksheets, answers, and instructions for the practice sets including where to get the free software needed for the complete bookkeeping course are included.

How Much ?
For a limited time the full course's normal fee of $49.95 is reduced to only $29.95. A saving of approximately 40%. You also have the option of only purchasing the "ole fashion" Manual Version of Baldy's Practice set for only $9.95.
Teacher's Special
Unlike other Practice Sets, this is a one time fee that allows the purchaser to make as many copies as they need to distribute to students with no additional fees required as long as the materials are used for educational purposes.
Purchase The Course
I'm one of the little guys and appreciate any and all support ! To learn more about and/or purchase this accounting practice set, check out the order course page.
Even if you don't buy, check out my free bookkeeping and acounting textbook, guides, and software.