Free Cash Tutorial
Free Bookkeeping Tutorials
So, you want to learn Bookkeeping ! Cash
The cash tutorial and course discusses and reviews the different journals, records, documents, and forms used to record and keep up with the cash coming in and going out of a business. Sample journals, records, and forms are illustrated and discussed to show you what journals, records, and forms to use and how to use them. Additional topics include bank reconciliations, cash controls, and cash forecast projections and budgets.

New Improved Version
What's Improved
- Broke the Lessons down into segments (more manageable "bites")
- Better Menu System
- Lessons organized better
- Added Videos to emphasize key concepts
- More Mobile Friendly
What's Covered ?
The Introduction provides you with a quick way of determining what this course offers, discusses, and provides. In other words, what the course is about. Also, it discusses and provides you with some introductory concepts, definitions, and information about what makes up the "world" of Cash Management.
Lesson 1 Recording Cash Transactions discusses and reviews the different journals, records, documents, and forms used to record and keep up with the cash coming in and going out of a business. Sample journals, records, and forms are illustrated and discussed to show you what journals, records, and forms to use and how to use them.
Journals, records, documents, and forms discussed include:
- Check Book
- Cash Disbursements Journal
- Payroll Journal
- Cash Receipts Journal
- Daily Cash Form
- Deposit Book and Slips
- Credit Card Slips
- Checks
Lesson 2 Petty Cash explains what Petty Cash is and how you set up, control, operate, and replenish the fund when it "runs out of cash". In addition, samples of the various forms and records used are illustrated and explained. A detailed example is also provided as an aid to understanding how to operate a Petty Cash Fund.
Lesson 3 Bank Reconciliation defines, explains, and illustrates common banking terms that you need to understand in order to accurately prepare a bank reconciliation. The lesson also discusses and explains what's involved, what records are used, and the detailed steps taken to properly prepare a bank reconciliation. In addition, the lesson has you, with a little help from me, actually prepare a bank reconciliation for a fictitious business.
Lesson 4 Cash Controls attempts to take the mystery out of what accountants call Internal Controls - specifically the internal controls that involve Cash. So you know what the fancy term internal controls means right away it's just the policies, activities and safeguards that are in place to provide reasonable assurance that things are going as planned.
Internal Controls as they apply to Cash are just the policies, activities, and safeguards that are in place to provide assurance that Cash is properly being protected, managed and controlled. By the end of this lesson you'll realize that a small business can adequately monitor and control it's cash just by implementing some good ole common sense procedures.
Lesson 5 Cash Forecasts / Projections / Budgets discusses and explains what a Cash Forecast is, what's involved in preparing one, why you need one, how it benefits you, and what information and tools you need in order to prepare one. The lesson also provides you with a free Simple Cash Forecasting Template (Excel or free Open Office Spreadsheet needed to use). The Cash Forecasting Template is explained and used when you prepare an actual Cash Forecast for a fictitious business. Don't worry, I provide help and guidance along the way !
In addition, other useful references and sources of information about cash flow and cash forecasts are provided in order for you to continue your education and also acquire some useful tools that can simplify the task of managing your cash.
Lesson 6 Review, as in the case of all of the last lessons in my tutorials, summarizes and reviews the major topics and concepts that we covered.
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